This article is Part 3 in a 5-Part series.

Welcome to part 3 of my multi part series on component development with Angular2 & Patterlab. In the last section we looked at configuring Angular2 and transpiling our first component with Typescript. In this section we’ll look at server side module resolution and bundling for use.

3. SystemJS

NOTE: The results of this section ( Part 3 ) are in this commit

SystemJS is a dependency resolution tool, and shares some similarity to webpack, here I’m installing the systemjs-builder lib which enables it’s use in gulp.

First, issue the following:

npm install --save-dev systemjs systemjs-builder

Now add the following task to gulpfile.js

 * BUILD JAVASCRIPT - resolve modules and bundle as static
gulp.task('pl-systemjs', function(){
    var builder = new Builder;
        map: {
            '@angular': 'node_modules/@angular',
            'rxjs': 'node_modules/rxjs'
        packages: {
            '@angular/core' : { main: 'index.js' },
            'rxjs': { defaultExtension: 'js' }

    return builder.buildStatic('source/js/circle.js', 'source/js/circle.sfx.js', {
        globalName: 'plCircle'

The map section in builder.config tells SystemJS where to find things referenced in require statments and the packages section explicitly grants access to packages that are required and nothing else.

Now run the task from the command line:

gulp pl-systemjs

This will output a file source/js/circle.sfx.js. Be warned, this file will be huge, because it includes all the dependencies the Angular 2 Circle component needs to run in the broweser without ( most ) other dependencies.

You now have a working bundle!