I have been working on a project recently that has invloved a lot of javascript ( as more and more projects do these days ). The approach I have seen many people, myself included, take in the past, is to write a load of functions without tests and then try and wrestle them in to scope of the project. Not this time!

We have been using jasmine at work in our main app, partially at least, we have even mixed in some coffeescript too. It can be a bit of a beast to get working in my experience, but there are a couple of gems that have helped me get it up and running in my own projects:

gem 'jasmine-rails'
gem 'jasmine-headless-webkit'
gem 'guard-jasmine-headless-webkit'
gem 'guard-rails-assets'

The subject

I’m working on a project that involves using d3 to create maps, I want to use prototyical inheritance to make my map solution reusable and flexible. I want to test that the code works and that the maps are generated correctly.

Given I have a base prototype:

function Map(attrs)
  this.scale = 2000;
  this.width = 500;
  this.height = 800;
  this.center = [0, 55.4];
  this.rotate = [4.4, 0];
  this.parallels = [50, 60];
Map.prototype.setProjection = function(attrs){}

And an object that inherits properties and methods from map:

function MiniMap(attrs){

MiniMap.prototype = new Map();
lmp = MiniMap.prototype
lmp.constructor = MiniMap;

The test

To test the prototype there are a couple of different approaches you can use, firstly, you can spy on individual prototype methods as seen below:

//= require maps/application.js

describe("MiniMap", function(){
  var mini_map = null;

  beforeEach(function() {
    spyOn(Map, 'call').andCallThrough()
    spyOn(Map.prototype, 'setProjection').andCallFake(function(){});
    mini_map = new MiniMap({id:1});

  describe("build a map", function(){
    it("should have mini map attributes", function(){
      expect( mini_map.scale ).toEqual(2000)
      expect( mini_map.width ).toEqual(500)
      expect( mini_map.height ).toEqual(800)

      expect( mini_map.center ).toEqual([0, 55.4]);
      expect( mini_map.rotate ).toEqual([4.4, 0]);
      expect( mini_map.parallels ).toEqual([50, 60]);

      expect( Map.prototype.setProjection ).toHaveBeenCalled();

mock the whole prototype

Secondly, if you want, you could stub out the whole prototype with a mock/spy object like so:

//= require maps/application.js

describe("MiniMap", function(){
  var MapSpy, mini_map = null;

  beforeEach(function() {
    MapSpy = jasmine.createSpyObj('Map', ['setSvg',·
                                       'call', 'prototype']
    MapSpy.scale = 2000;
    MapSpy.width = 500;
    MapSpy.height = 800;
    MapSpy.center = [0, 55.4]
    MapSpy.rotate = [4.4, 0]
    MapSpy.parallels = [50, 60]

    Map = MapSpy;
    MapSpy.prototype = MapSpy;
    MiniMap.prototype = MapSpy

    // spyOn(Map, 'call').andCallThrough();
    // spyOn(Map.prototype, 'setProjection').andCallThrough();
    // spyOn(Map.prototype, 'setPath').andCallThrough();
    // spyOn(Map.prototype, 'setSvg').andCallThrough();
    mini_map = new MiniMap({id:1});

  describe("build a map", function(){
    it("should have mini map attributes", function(){
      expect( mini_map.scale ).toEqual(2000)
      expect( mini_map.width ).toEqual(500)
      expect( mini_map.height ).toEqual(800)

      expect( mini_map.center ).toEqual([0, 55.4]);
      expect( mini_map.rotate ).toEqual([4.4, 0]);
      expect( mini_map.parallels ).toEqual([50, 60]);

      expect( Map.prototype.setProjection ).toHaveBeenCalled();
      expect( Map.prototype.setPath ).toHaveBeenCalled();
      expect( Map.prototype.setSvg ).toHaveBeenCalledWith('mini_map');
